Written on 6:37 AM by Angela Livingston
Call businesses to set appointments and to sell advertising for the nicest and most effective coupon brochure mailer in Metro Atlanta.
Work from home calling businesses to set appointments for salespeople to sell ads. You will get 10% of each sale from the appointments you set. You'll make $50-100/day; $250-500/week. All you need is a phone and the self-discipline to make local calls at least 4 hours a day.
Or make your appointments yourself and go sell the ad and make 25% on each sale. You'll work around the Roswell, Alpharetta, Duluth area. And you'll make $500-$1000/week.
We have done this successfully for 25 years and you can do it too...part time or full time.
You will train in Alpharetta, then work from home.
Call me at 678-887-4599 for more information.
Coupon Magazine, Inc.
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